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Don’t sell me, Mama – Afghanistan’s forgotten humanitarian crisis

RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – “I’m little. Please, don’t sell me,” young Noqra Gul pleads with her parents. This may sound shocking, but selling girls is becoming common in Afghanistan. It’s the only way for a family to survive.

Afghanistan today is considered to have the worst humanitarian crisis in the world. According to various estimates, about two million families in the country are economic migrants.

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This is why many parents in Afghanistan are forced to consider selling their daughters to survive. The average price ranges from US$1,500 to US$ 2000, but this is a lot for people who are deep in debt and earn an occasional dollar a day.

(RT documentary)

Unfortunately, the girls don’t have much say in the matter. They hope for a miracle. Is there any way around the impossible decision to sell a child or starve to death?

So is there any way out?

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