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Opinion: The Calculated Neutrality of Brazil in the Israel-Hamas Crisis

(Opinion) Brazil’s diplomatic neutral ground in the Israel-Hamas issue isn’t just a historical legacy but a calculated strategy serving multiple ends.

Let’s first address the economic aspect.

The country’s trade with Israel is minuscule, accounting for a mere 0.37% of its total foreign trade.

On the surface, this minimal involvement protects Brazil from immediate economic repercussions. But it’s crucial to dive deeper.

A major escalation in the conflict could trigger spikes in global oil prices, and Brazil isn’t immune.

The state-owned Petrobras could, however, act as a buffer.

According to Jean Paul Prates, its President, the company’s pricing strategy could cushion Brazil against some of these economic shocks.

When Brent crude prices recently rose by 4.22%, the impact was moderate, demonstrating Petrobras’ agility in managing such crises.

Transitioning to the diplomatic lens, Brazil’s neutrality is its diplomatic cornerstone. Advocating a two-state solution, Brazil aligns itself with a global majority.

This isn’t a mere stance; it’s a policy dating back to 1948. Oswaldo Aranha, a Brazilian diplomat, even led UN negotiations on Israel’s formation.

Holding the current UN Security Council presidency and soon leading the BRICS bloc adds another layer to Brazil’s influence.

The Calculated Neutrality of Brazil in the Israel-Hamas Crisis. (Photo Internet reproduction)
The Calculated Neutrality of Brazil in the Israel-Hamas Crisis. (Photo Internet reproduction)

However, limitations exist. The veto powers of the U.S., Russia, and China constrain Brazil’s influence in the Security Council.

Yet, Brazil’s BRICS alignment, especially with Russia and China, could be a diplomatic advantage.

Both countries favor peace talks and a Palestinian state, fitting well with Brazil’s long-term view.

Multi-Faceted Strategy

David Magalhães, an international relations professor, argues that Brazil’s position is globally aligned.

Brazil’s stance won’t invite backlash even with the U.S. as a major ally of Israel.

U.S. involvement in the conflict varies with each administration, making Brazil’s steady position a diplomatic advantage.

Adding another layer of analysis, it’s vital to consider the country’s internal politics.

By maintaining neutrality, Brazil can focus on pressing domestic issues without adding a complex international crisis to the mix.

The approach also preserves Brazil’s international relationships across differing alliances and conflicting interests.

In conclusion, Brazil’s neutral stance isn’t just a passive position; it’s a multi-faceted strategy balancing economic, diplomatic, and internal factors.

Given the intricate dynamics of today’s global politics, Brazil’s policy is a well-considered and pragmatic choice.

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