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Opinion: Faith, Freedom, and the Fight for LGBTQ+ Lives

(Opinion) When my son Daniel came out as gay years ago, my heart swelled with pride because he had finally found his true self.

But things changed when we moved to Brazil.

Members of a local evangelical group began talking to Daniel, casting doubts in his mind about his sexual orientation.

One evening, he started questioning whether being gay was ‘right’ or ‘acceptable.’ My heart sank.

Just today, I read about Karol Eller, an influencer who tragically ended her life after a religious retreat that aimed to change her sexuality.

I can’t help but think of my son. How many Karols must we lose? How many parents have to endure their children questioning their own values?

Let’s not mince words: conversion therapy is discredited by all reputable medical bodies.

Then why is it still happening? Why are young, vulnerable LGBTQ+ individuals subjected to this?

Calling it ‘therapy’ is misleading. It’s emotional coercion that leaves lasting scars. Shielding such practices behind the cloak of religious freedom is unacceptable.

Faith, Freedom, and the Fight for LGBTQ+ Lives. (Photo Internet reproduction)
Faith, Freedom, and the Fight for LGBTQ+ Lives. (Photo Internet reproduction)

What about the freedom of Daniel and countless others like him to love who they want without feeling ashamed?

Religion, when twisted this way, harms not just individuals but the fabric of our society. It perpetuates hate and discrimination.

Karol Eller

Karol Eller was more than just a headline. She was a vibrant, complex individual. Her loss is more than personal; it’s a failure of our society to protect its vulnerable.

As a mother, my heart breaks not just for Daniel but for every young person told they need to ‘change.’

We can and must do better. We must not allow more lives to be lost or scarred by these harmful practices.

In closing, the very idea of conversion therapy is not just flawed; it’s a destructive myth that has no place in a compassionate society.

This is not just a call for a ban. It’s an appeal from a mother’s heart: it’s time to put an end to this.

No more heartache, no more lost lives. Enough is enough.



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