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Ecuador-China Trade Pact: A New Era Begins

Ecuador is set to launch a historic free-trade agreement with China.

Negotiated by President Guillermo Lasso in May 2023 and ratified by the Assembly in February under President Daniel Noboa Azín, this pact marks a pivotal moment.

Today, the government announced its imminent implementation.

“On May 1st, Ecuador-China trade agreement activates,” announced Minister Sonsoles García at the trade congress.

This date marks a significant milestone, as reported by El Universo.

However, this deal phases out tariffs on half of Ecuador’s exports to China immediately, with nearly all (99.6%) enjoying this benefit within ten years.

Ecuador-China Trade Pact: A New Era Begins
Ecuador-China Trade Pact: A New Era Begins. (Photo Internet reproduction)

China, as Ecuador’s second-biggest export destination and top buyer of non-oil goods, plays a crucial role. In 2023, exports to China will hit $5.673 billion.

In addition, imports from China were valued at $5.151 billion, showcasing a positive trade balance of $522 million for Ecuador.

García, after parliamentary approval, described the treaty as a golden chance for diverse sectors, notably benefiting small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and the social economy.

She underscored the treaty’s potential to boost access to a vast market of 1.4 billion people, aiming to elevate export earnings to at least $8 billion and create 50,000 jobs in five years.

Former President Lasso emphasized the deal’s focus on Ecuadorian welfare, predicting a $3 to $4 billion rise in non-oil exports.

The agreement ensures that 99.6% of Ecuadorian exports will enter China tariff-free. To protect Ecuador’s industries, officials deliberately excluded over 800 Chinese items.

In short, the agreement boosts Ecuador’s economy, jobs, and protects industries, opening new markets for its products.

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