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Chile hit by torrential rains, resulting in casualties and disruption

Torrential rains in central Chile since Thursday (22nd) have left thousands of Chileans isolated or affected by the severe weather conditions.

The abnormal rainfall, attributed to unusually high temperatures in the Andes, has caused two deaths and left six people missing, according to authorities.

This weather anomaly coincides with the start of the “Invierno Austral” (Southern Winter) season, which runs from June 21 to September 22 in the southern hemisphere.

The situation is exacerbated by the El Niño phenomenon, which experts believe is occurring with unprecedented intensity.

Chile hit by torrential rains, resulting in casualties and disruption. (Photoi Internet reproduction)
Chile hit by torrential rains, resulting in casualties and disruption. (Photoi Internet reproduction)

Climate scientist Pablo Sarricolea from the University of Chile explained that the rising zero isotherm, influenced by climate change, is causing rainfall in areas where snowfall was typical.

The onset of El Niño is also contributing to the situation, as the equatorial Pacific’s temperature indicates its potential impact on this winter.

Australian and New Zealand scientists have warned of an unusual situation, citing a “Super El Niño” due to the tropical Pacific oceans being 0.8 °C above average compared to previous events.

Two fatalities have been reported as of Sunday, with six people still missing.

Over 8,000 individuals are isolated in different areas, and approximately 1,578 people have been relocated to shelters.

The storm has caused damage to thousands of homes, including complete destruction, severe damage, and partial damage.

The central region of El Maule has been particularly affected, with the town of Licantén facing extensive devastation and residents stranded on rooftops amidst heavy flooding.

Road conditions are also precarious, with damage to three bridges on Panamericana 5.

In addition to the capital, remote Mapuche villages have been severely impacted by the heavy rains.

The overflowing rivers and floods have forced thousands to evacuate, exposing the lack of infrastructure and resources in these areas.

Residents in the affected regions, cut off from supplies and transportation, are in need of assistance, including airlift rescues. The situation remains critical, requiring continued support and relief efforts.

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