Bolsonaro: Veto of Cultural Works is “Preserving Christian Values”, Not “Censorship”

Speaking by videoconference to a conservative symposium, he said the government will make changes in agencies such as ANCINE and FUNARTE.

RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – After cancellations of shows, seminar and a film festival in federal facilities, such as units of Caixa Cultural and CCBB of Rio de Janeiro, President Jair Bolsonaro said this Saturday that the veto of cultural works is not “censorship“, but rather a measure to “preserve Christian values”.

Bolsonaro spoke about the subject while attending, by videoconference, a conservative symposium held in Ribeirão Preto. The broadcast was done directly from the Palácio da Alvorada.

The federal government’s tug-of-war with the cultural sector had new events this week. (Photo: Internet Reproduction)

“We will not persecute anyone, but Brazil has changed. We will not see a certain type of work out there with public money anymore. This is not censorship, this is preserving Christian values, it is treating our youth with respect, acknowledging the family,” said Bolsonaro.

The president said that changes will be made in the cultural field, mentioning governmental bodies FUNARTE and ANCINE, but without detailing what these changes will entail.

“We cannot lose the information war, we have made it all very comfortable in the past. We are preparing changes in culture, of FUNARTE, of ANCINE. There are many people employed there in positions of importance since the first year of Lula’s government,” stressed the president.

The federal government’s tug-of-war with the cultural sector, which had already led to intervention in ANCINE and the suspension of the LGBT series, had new events this week.

Last-minute cancellations and deferrals at Caixa Cultural, such as the seminar “Aventuras do Pensamento” (“Adventures of Thought”) and the show “Lembro todo dia de você” (“I remember you every day”), have raised suspicions of prior censorship for addressing issues that run counter to the Bolsonarist militancy.

In both cases, Caixa gave technical justifications for the changes and stated that it was in contact with the producers. The CCBB was also questioned by the group ‘Aquela Cia de Teatro’ for the cancellation of the show “Caranguejo overdrive” in the commemorative exhibition of the facility’s 30th anniversary.

According to Globo columnist Lauro Jardim, the federal audit court (TCU) announced on Saturday that it will investigate “the lawfulness of the actions” of Caixa and Banco do Brasil in relation to the cultural projects.

On Friday, the Minister of Citizenship, Osmar Terra, dismissed 19 employees of FUNARTE through an ordinance published in the Federal Gazette.

All employees dismissed are members of the Center for Performing Arts (CEACEN), headed by Roberto Alvim, who reported that he will rebuild the team “with people loyal to the government”.

Source: O Globo